Tuesday, 8 November 2016


As winter approaches it is more important than ever that you look after your own health and wellbeing.  Winter is traditionally the time of coughs, colds and fevers, it is also the time when the NHS is under the most pressure.  This is why NHS Halton CCG is supporting three key initiatives over the coming weeks that reinforce the importance of looking after yourself, of self-care and of getting the right treatment.

We are promoting the flu jab at the moment.  Flu occurs every year, usually in the winter, which is why it’s sometimes called seasonal flu. It’s a highly infectious disease with symptoms that come on very quickly.  Certain people can have, should have, a flu jab that will provide the best protection available against an unpredictable virus that can cause severe illness.  More information for flu clinics in Halton and further advice can be found at http://www.haltonccg.nhs.uk/your-health/seasonal-advice.
The second initiative that we are supporting is Self Care Week, which runs from 14th November 2016 to 18th November 2016 and is promoted by the Self Care Forum (http://www.selfcareforum.org/).  Self-care works when people are empowered with the confidence and information to look after themselves when they can, and visit the GP when they need to, gives people greater control of their own health and encourages healthy behaviours that help prevent ill health in the long-term.  In many cases people can take care of their minor ailments, reducing the number of GP consultations and enabling GPs to focus on caring for higher risk patients, such as those with comorbidities, the very young and elderly, managing long-term conditions and providing new services.  More cost-effective use of stretched NHS resources allows money to be spent where it’s most needed and improve health outcomes. Furthermore, increased personal responsibility around healthcare helps improve people’s health and wellbeing and better manage long-term conditions when they do develop. This will ultimately ensure the long-term sustainability of the NHS.  Have a look at the Self Care Forum website, which has lots of practical tips and support.

The third initiative that we are supporting is World Antibiotic Awareness Week, which is also from 14th November 2016 to 18th November 2016.  Antibiotic resistance represents one of the greatest threats to human health today.  Inappropriate and over use of antibiotics is a major driver of antibiotic resistance. As antibiotic resistance is increasing, the development of new antibiotics is declining.  Few new antibiotics have been developed in recent years; meaning many of the medical advances that rely on antibiotics to control infection (such as organ transplantation, surgery and neonatal care) may be under threat.  Antibiotics are only effective in bacterial infections.  Our GPs and other healthcare professionals have a range of tools through which they can determine whether the prescribing of an antibiotic is appropriate or not.  So, don’t expect that you will get antibiotics and don’t be surprised if you are not given them.

Simon Banks

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