Thursday, 29 October 2015

Prime Minister's Challenge Fund update

The PMCF is designed to establish pilot programmes of work to explore a number of ways to improve access to general practice, to develop a more integrated approach to providing general practice and wider out-of-hospital services and to develop more innovative ways for people to access and relate to general practice. Demonstrating sustainability of the pilot schemes was identified as a key factor from the outset. A funding pot of £100m was identified for organisations/groups of practices to bid for.

Following the development of the General Practice Strategy in Halton, practices were contacted and asked to develop and propose schemes that could be collated into an overall bid for non-recurrent funding from the national PMCF programme. In total, the bid from Halton CCG and practices totalled £1.6m and in May, it was confirmed that we had been successful. A final budget of £1.548m was awarded which needs to be spent in full in 2015/16.

“Together for the health of Halton” contains eight schemes. Five of the schemes will provide direct patient and public services.  One scheme focusses on engagement, communication and pathway development. The final two schemes are a combination of Project Managers to support the delivery of all schemes and funding to support practice discussions around future development and joint working.

The five patient and public services are a blend of schemes providing additional General Practice access, schemes providing alternative access and choices and finally, a scheme focussed on reducing demand on General Practice for specific patient groups.

Each scheme has a designated lead (with all patient/public service schemes having a clinical/practice lead and operational lead), an identified budget and intended benefits. A summary of the schemes is provided below.

Extended access to GP practices
More than 200 additional appointments will be made available each week across selected GP practices in Runcorn and Widnes outside of core hours including 7am-7pm on Mondays and Tuesdays and Saturday mornings at Brookvale practice, and a centralised service across Widnes which will be run from the Urgent Care Centre. The Widnes scheme will offer appointments every evening of the week as well as at the weekends. The scheme in Runcorn went live in August, with the Widnes scheme commencing in early November.

The e-Consultation service provides patients with the opportunity to undertake online consultations for approximately 100 common conditions.Patients are able to correspond with a GP and receive a timely response, ensuring easier access to GP services. This service is currently being trialled at Grove House, Murdishaw and the Beeches with more practices coming online later in the year.

Community Pharmacy

Community Pharmacies in Halton will be commissioned to deliver additional innovative services which dovetail with GP services. The schemes are focussing initially on two areas - Respiratory health (in both adults and children) and offering additional minor alignments services (e.g. Blood Pressure and Atrial Fibrillation). These schemes will provide information and education, offering more convenience for patients and reducing the number of avoidable GP appointments.  Schemes will go live in November.

Patient Connect
Providing a range of services in the community for specific patient groups and communities experiencing different forms and aspects of isolation, focusing on children, families and older people. These services will be delivered in partnership with local statutory and non-statutory organisations. The scheme is aimed at helping Halton residents to choose the most efficient and effective means of accessing health support and advice. As such, it is anticipated that this scheme will have a positive impact by reducing demand for GP appointments – which in itself will improve access locally.

Other elements of the PMCF in Halton
The CCG will be working with the University of Chester who will be the evaluation partner for this programme of work. The University bring a wealth of experience and expertise that will support the evaluation of each scheme to consider its effectiveness, sustainability, impact and value for money.

The CCG has established a multi-agency communications group to launch a borough-wide communications strategy to raise awareness of the programme across Halton. This will be targeting all communities and age groups across Halton.

Simon Banks